Monthly Archives: March 2010

Talking about covering your small business

I borrowed the following from my "tweep" Ryan Hanley (agent in NY) who in turn had borrowed from Very good tips for the small business owner either just starting out or reviewing their current coverage. Homeowners policies don’t (in general) cover your business. Some policies may cover up to $2,500 in business property but…
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What Liability Limits Do You have?

Thanks for visiting my site! The topic for your liability portion of your auto insurance policy.  Every state has a minimum level.  In the state of CT it's 20/40/10 or 50,000 combined single limit.  20/40/10 means 20,000 per person, 40,000 per accident and 10,000 for property damage you cause.  $50,000 is one limit of…
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